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 BA in 4 Weeks

Unauthorized reproduction prohibited


Copyright   Lawrie Miller  1997 - 2004
















 I am still looking for the shortest masters that will accept business credits from other graduate sources. Any new ideas that are not on your page?



Nothing I’m too comfortable in putting before you right now, however, others may be interested in the following which was originally based on posts I submitted in reply to similar inquiries in late 2001 or early 2002.

Note that the prices and regulations quoted were those current at the time of writing (2002). Tuition fees have risen in the interim and the U.S. Dollar has taken quite a hit against the Australian dollar (and against just about every other major currency).

From 2002 . . . . . .


University of Southern Queensland (USQ) Master of Commercial Law (MCL) accepts transfer of (apparently) any number of courses from applicable incomplete programs. It could be then that the degree might be completed in one course in that situation.



If you have earned a Master of Management or Master of Commerce (from USQ or elsewhere), with a specialization in Law, it is possible (or actually you are, I think, guaranteed) to gain exemptions from 4 courses in the Master of Commercial Law (MCL) program. Since the program is 8 courses in total, that leaves you 4 courses to complete to qualify for the degree. So, if you already hold a master's comprising appropriate credit it really is a 4-unit (i.e., 4-course) masters degree.

There are other possible combinations of programs and courses in other subjects that yield similar economy. Note that none of these degrees are joint degree programs. They are separate offerings with quite liberal articulation and transfer policies (seems a not unknown practice in Oz).


The holy grail for those with a load of unused graduate credit would be combining programs where one transferred 7 of the 8 required courses from an incomplete degree, then after completing the remaining required (single) course and having been awarded the new MCL degree (see “A” above), gaining the resultant exemptions from half the requirements of a second 8-unit degree on the basis of the award of the first degree (second degree thus becomes a 4-unit degree). Thus a university (in this case USQ) will have awarded two master degrees for a total of only 5 courses drawn from its own programs.



One can imagine the less scrupulous then returning to the (say) U.S. institution where the original 7 courses were earned, and completing that original degree program, thus establishing a record 4 credits per master degree.



The original 8-course Master of Commercial Law earned in 4 courses, would cost a grand total of about US $2,000 (at 2002 exchange rates). So the pursuit of such a degree is an exercise in both economy and frugality. Laudable attributes, to be both celebrated and encouraged.

All programs noted are available via distance learning.

For US and other students interested in earning two master degrees, a Business degree AND a Law degree (powerful combination) in minimum time and at minimum cost, they can choose to do the USQ Business or Commerce or Management masters with a specialization in Law, then follow up with the much reduced requirements (only 4 courses) for the Master of Commercial Law. Now, if as detailed in the case below you have several relevant graduate Business credits without a home, the option becomes even more appealing.

As explained elsewhere in response to a question about minimum course work master degrees from a woman whose daughter had already completed 4 courses (16 credit hours) of an MBA program in the States, US students looking to earn two degrees, can choose to take the USQ Master of Commerce, or Master of Management, or MBA, with a specialization in Law.

On completion of that degree, they can then apply those units under the articulation exemption rule, to the USQ Master of Commercial Law, which allows up to 4 units (or course) exemptions from the 8 unit program. Thus the Master of Commercial Law can be completed in just 4 courses. Note that the USQ Business/Commerce programs (12 courses) will generally allow up to 4 to 6 courses in transfer (up to half the program). So:

1. U.S. or other student enters USQ or other qualifying Master
of Commerce, Master of Management, or MBA with Law specialization
and can transfer up to 6 normal Business courses into degree from
another acceptable MBA/management/Commerce program

2. U.S. student completes program. Graduates MComm, MoM, or MBA

3. U.S. student, by virtue of the Law specialization in the degree
just finished, is exempt from 4 of the 8 units (courses) required
for the USQ Master of Commercial Law which she now enters and takes,
what, 6 months(?) to complete 4 courses.

4. US student graduates - Master of Commercial Law

5. In the case of the daughter of the woman with 4 existing graduate
courses in business, she can enter one of the Business programs
detailed and transfer in her 4 courses. Usually, in the States only
two or three courses or can be transferred in. She can complete two
master degrees, one in Business and one in Law, the MComm or MoM
or MBA, plus the Master of Commercial Law, all for an additional
12 courses.

Had she stuck with another institution and method, she would likely
require another 8 or 10 courses just to complete one degree
(2 in transfer + 8 or 10 additional), and at a MUCH higher cost.

This way she has (say) the designations MBA, MComLaw for a TOTAL
of under US$6,000 . None too shabby.


Transfers-in 4 courses to Business/Management/Commerce program.
Requires 8 more units (courses).

Courses are AUD950 each before discount

Cost per course with discount (if you pay course fee up front
you get Aus$50 off) . . .

for year 2002 = AUS$900 X 8 = AUS$7,200

Convert to US dollars @ 1.85 AUD to the US dollar
= 7,200/1.85 = US$3890 (rounded)

Cost of 4 courses required for the Master of Commercial Law
= 900 X 4 = AUD$3600/1.85 = US1950 (rounded)

Total cost in this case, transferring in 4 courses
= US $3890 + $1950

= US$5840 for TWO MASTER DEGREES (4 course transfer)

Without transfers-in, cost for two master degrees is

(16 X 900)/1.85 = US$7783 (no course transfer)










Website © Lawrie Miller 2001 - 2004






